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Tokenize your assets
Use our secured marketplace to raise funds for your real estate project.
Seeking investors? Involve the Vesta community in your venture.
Complete the form below to share your project details, and our team will contact you to assist in launching your asset on our platform.
Tokenize Form
Please deliver informations as precised and detailed as possible. This will help us in our investigation and increase your chance for us to consider your request.* Mandatory1. Contact Information
I complete this form as a * :

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2. Project Information

Asset type * :
How much equity do you plan to tokenize ? *

3. Project Files
Investment Proposal

Upload a PDF presentation
Project Pictures

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4. Complementary Details
What is your plan by tokenizing your asset ?
The information provided on this platform is not an invitation or offer to participate in any token, fund, or financial opportunity and is solely intended for informational purposes. Performance results are displayed after deducting all associated fees, costs, and expenses related to the respective token. In the event an investor opts to redeem a token through Vesta Investment or on a secondary market, additional processing fees may be applicable, which are not factored into the displayed returns. Past performance should not be considered indicative of future results. Returns are calculated based on distributed rental payments throughout the year and the appreciation in the value of the underlying property, determined by the variance between the purchase price and annual property reappraisals. Individual investor returns may vary based on the timing of their investments and redemptions. Vesta Investment operates this site and is not a registered broker-dealer or investment advisor. We do not provide investment advice, endorsements, analyses, or recommendations regarding any securities. Nothing on this platform should be construed as an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation for any security by Vesta Investment or any third party. Each user is solely responsible for evaluating whether any investment, investment strategy, security, or related transaction aligns with their personal investment objectives, financial circumstances, and risk tolerance. It is advisable to seek legal, tax, insurance, or investment advice from licensed professionals and investment advisors. All securities listed on this site are offered by, and the issuer is solely responsible for all information provided. Vesta Investment does not guarantee the performance, outcome, or return of capital for any investment opportunity featured on this site. We enhance our products and optimize our advertising through the use of Microsoft Clarity to analyze user interactions on our website. By accessing our site, you agree that we and Microsoft can collect and utilize this data. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more details. Your continued use of this site and its pages indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, General Disclaimer, and Accessibility Statement.
Vesta Invest LLC. All rights reserved.